Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pre-Op Scheduled tomorrow - 7:30am!

Hi All,
We haven't posted much in a while, but you are probably aware that we are a busy family -- going non-stop most days.  And if we slow down enough, I like to "steal" the extra time and take a nap.  My parents were right to call me CATherine.

So, Alexis and I are going to be on our hospital field trip tomorrow. 
6:20am Departure
7:30am Pre-Op appointment (including chest x-ray, blood draw, cardiac clearance and anesthesia approvals)
They suggest that we plan for 5-6 hours at the hospital to complete everything, but they also say that some kids will be staying overnight in advance of the surgery.

So, by the time we return home tomorrow, Alexis and I will be beaten into a pulp.  Only to turn around and go back to the hospital for Tuesday's surgery.

Maybe I haven't reminded my online friends which surgery this is -- but it's the cardiac catheterization to repair her heart defects (ASD and PPS murmur).  In the whole scheme of things, Alexis does very well for having heart defects.  Sadly, we know many of Alexis' peers who aren't able to get 'repaired hearts' and their parents are always in our prayers.
But for us, we have been able to put off this heart surgery until Alexis was much stronger and robust - which should improve the success probabilities.

We will let you know how we are doing as we can. 

(For those interested, here is a link to a description of the type of surgery Alexis will be having - I thought it was really amazing and educational -

Will post more later,

1 comment:

Leslie, Arlin and Katie Kauffman said...

Good luck on the surgery tomorrow! Katie had a similar procedure done for her heart defects when she was 3. It went well, so I hope the same goes for Alexis tomorrow!