Monday, February 11, 2013

Blizzard 2013

Some people have asked for Snow to be sent to them (kind of perishable)
Some people have called Snow a dirty 4 letter word
Some people have more Snow than we do

But here are some photos before, during and after the snow over the weekend.  I promise the next post will be the "fun" of the snow.

Friday afternoon.  Strong winds keeping part of the driveway clear.

Saturday morning:  Blizzard snow - we do have a driveway out there!

Saturday morning: Matt shovels out of the garage to get snow blower out.  3 feet in front of my garage, 5 feet in front of Matt's garage.

Sunday afternoon: after Matt's clean up efforts.  Jessica and Matt for sledding.

Sledding spot.

View to the back deck.

Some-bunny in snowbank.  (there are stairs under there)

Some-bunny in snowbank.... Yes, she took her gloves off to play in the snow.  I think she was eating some.

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